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Excel Smart Q&A

Excel Smart Q&A

Excel's smart question-answering feature not only helps users quickly obtain the required data information through natural language queries, but also supports automatic generation of various types of smart charts, such as line charts, histograms, pie charts, etc., based on user requests. This feature allows users to intuitively understand data trends and distributions without manually setting chart types or adjusting data series. With this technology, even users without professional skills can easily create professional data analysis charts to better analyze data, display results, and assist in decision-making.


1. Create a new chat

Click on the left AI Dialogue to enter the dialogue interface. Click the plus sign "+" button to start a new dialogue.


Select Table Type in the new dialogue, and select Upload Excel document.


Double-click the dialogue name to modify the dialogue name. Now we can start intelligent Q&A for Excel.


2. Intelligent Q&A

Enter the question and click the send button to get the intelligent Q&A. The following is an example of a virtual college entrance examination transcript:

2.1 Use a table to display the minimum admission score of Beijing Sport University in each province in 2023


2.2 Use a bar chart to display the admission information of Southwest University in 2023


2.3 Use a pie chart to display the minimum admission score of Beijing Sport University in science in each province


3. Save to custom report

Select the report you defined and click save to save.


Return to the Dashboard interface and refresh the page to see the report you just saved.

